Can you help us to save the environment?
Seeding Natives is a not-for-profit charity restoring ecosystems from the ground up. In order to restore more land, faster, we need a bigger tractor!
At Seeding Natives we have innovated specialised direct seeding machinery and methodologies that allow us to build a highly functioning ecosystem from the ground up!
It is now time to upscale our restoration abilities so that we can undertake ecological restoration on larger tracts of land and a lot faster than our slow but effective current machinery. We have developed a new machine that will increase our speed by up to 10 times.
We need your help!
We need a bigger tractor to operate this machine!
We are raising $60,000 for the purchase of a 100 horse power tractor so that we can continue to save our precious natural environment, but FASTER!
There is no time to waste.
All donations $2 or more are tax deductible
It is now time to upscale our restoration abilities so that we can undertake ecological restoration on larger tracts of land and a lot faster than our slow but effective current machinery. We have developed a new machine that will increase our speed by up to 10 times.
We need your help!
We need a bigger tractor to operate this machine!
We are raising $60,000 for the purchase of a 100 horse power tractor so that we can continue to save our precious natural environment, but FASTER!
There is no time to waste.
All donations $2 or more are tax deductible